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Ayurvedic Powder

Energy & Postic Churan 

It is an ancient formulation made from natural extracts and has no side effects.

Dosage: directed
by the physician.

Storage: Store in a cool & dry place.
Keep away child reach.
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4-Acid Churan

4- Acid churna is a common ayurvedic formulation used by people with gastric problems. It is a multi-herbal medication consisting of 14 different ingredients

Dant Rakshak Manjan

Dant Rakshak is the Tooth Powder offered by us. This Tooth Powder is a 100% Ayurvedic formulation of rare herbs and plants. This Ayurvedic Tooth Powder acts like a strong security guard of the teeth. 

Dosage: directed
by the physician.

Storage: Store in a cool & dry place.
Keep away child reach.
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नजली चूर्ण

Dosage: directed by the physician.
Storage: Store in a cool & dry place.
Keep away child reach.

Sabhazam Churan

एसिडिटी, पेट दर्द, बदहजमी, अफारा, क्रीमी नाशक कब्ज व भुख की कमी दूर कर पाचन क्रिया बढ़ाता है।

Dosage: directed
by the physician.

Storage: Store in a cool & dry place.
Keep away child reach.
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Nimbadi Churan

आयुर्वेद सा० संग्रह की अनमोल औषधि है जो चर्म रोग जैसे : दाद, खाज, खुजली, एलर्जी, चेहरे की फुंसी, दाग छाईयाँ, सोरायसिस आदि चर्म रोगो को ठीक कर खून की सफाई करने में अत्यादिक लाभदायक है ।

Dosage: directed
by the physician.

Storage: Store in a cool & dry place.
Keep away child reach.
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